At Hope Academy, we use Making Math Real as the foundation in all of our math classes. MakingMath Real is a multi-sensory, structured, and incremental approach to teaching math.
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For students with a language-based learning difference, learning math can be confusing and frustrating. Mathematics often presents its own set of problems for dyslexic learners.
Math has a highly symbolic language structure with an expansive, precise vocabulary and it relies heavily on quick access to memorized facts. The abstract language of math can often prove to be difficult for students who struggle to assign meaning to symbols.

At Hope Academy, we use Making Math Real as the foundation in all of our math classes. Making Math Real is a multi-sensory, structured, and incremental approach to teaching math. Students begin by building the concrete model of math they are learning and are led to the connection between the concrete and the abstract symbols. As a component of the Making Math Real program, the 9-lines symbol imaging approach to memorizing facts has proven highly effective with dyslexic students. We teach to skill mastery in all of our math classes.
If you would like more information about the Making MathReal instructional approach, please visit their website